Our Trustees
Our Board of Trustees actively oversees the on-going development of the charity, supported by a small team of part-time staff who are based in the Careline office:
Wendy Woodhouse – Chair
Wendy started volunteering for Careline back in 2017 and she soon realised what an important service it provides and wanted to help ensure that the charity continues to provide its vital service. She was born in Buxton and after moving around the UK to study and work she eventually gravitated back to Derbyshire. She runs a small business providing advice to retailers in relation to Trading Standards and consumer protection legislation.
Tricia Barclay – Vice-Chair & Treasurer
Tricia lives in Ashbourne with her husband, Kevin. She was The Manager of The Derbyshire Building Society in town before moving to The Walbrook Housing Association as Head of their Home Improvement Agency. Upon moving to Jersey 12 years ago she worked in a Day Club for the over 50’s who were isolated and lonely. She enjoys reading, playing the piano, walking & socialising and being with her family after retiring back in Ashbourne 18 months ago.
John Leicester – Secretary
A qualified teacher and social worker, with a background in special education, recognising the unique worth of every individual and the importance of ensuring their engagement in the education process. Retired from the post of Barnardo’s National Education Coordinator in 2010. I undertook many external roles including Secretary of Youth Build UK. In 2013 I joined the Ashbourne Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to undertake an Education feasibility study for the Town. Through this exploration of the Ashbourne Community the valuable work Careline was undertaking in supporting vulnerable and lonely residents was highlighted.
Gordon Hart – Trustee
Since I began making calls for Careline I have been astonished by how vital this service is. I began because, having worked in schools, as a headteacher and as a governor, I wanted to make a contribution in the adult world. As a caller, I quickly realised my responsibility for the safety of isolated people. Then I started making friends through my calls with the engaging and fascinating folk who are our clients. It has never been a more important time to support our Careline.
Nick Bishop – Trustee
Nick has lived in Ashbourne for the past ten years. Currently, he acts as Chair of Trustees for St John’s Church Ashbourne. Nick also is Chair of the Buxton Road Residents Group which campaigns for improved air quality in Ashbourne. Originally from London, Nick’s background is in managing mental health services for families affected by mental illness and addressing disparities in health outcomes for ethnic minority communities.
Rachel Murt – Trustee
I have lived in Ashbourne for 12 years and moved here with my family as part of my career as an accountant for a large manufacturing organisation. I’m a member of Ashbourne Methodist Church and have volunteered with several charities, including the Ashbourne Foodbank, Homes for Ukraine and Doorways Derby. My interest in Careline stems from my mother, who suffered from dementia and lived alone (for as long as possible). Careline would have been a lifeline for her.
Peter Yates – Trustee
Peter was closely involved with the setting up of Crich Careline fifteen years ago, which has always had links with Ashbourne and is now fully integrated with them. Whilst formerly in banking and then running his own business, he has always been involved with community support projects, particularly for the elderly. He is a published playwright and poet, particularly in comedy and a regular contributor to Derbyshire Life Magazine.
Connie – Member Representative
Connie is our member representative. She enjoys needlework, knitting, reading (particularly Pam Rhodes novels) and watching Countryfile, Songs of Praise & the evening news and likes to attend church on a Sunday morning. She also makes the most delicious cakes.