
A big thank you to everyone who supported the Careline Christmas Coffee Morning last Friday – you helped us to raise £1500, all of which will go towards keeping our valuable telephone befriending service going.

It was a super morning and  lovely to see so many people  – members, volunteers, the Mayor and Mayoress of Ashbourne, hospital staff, other local charities and of course the wonderful Ashbourne Singers. You all helped to make the morning a huge success. THANK YOU!


xmas coffee morning poster photo

Don’t forget the Careline Christmas Coffee Morning this Friday from 10-12.30pm in the foyer of St Oswald’s Hospital. Come along and join us for a warm drink and mince pie – everyone welcome!

We have some great stalls lined up with handmade jewellery and crafts, cakes and preserves – why not do some Christmas shopping while you’re here? There will be a tombola, guess the weight of the Christmas cake and name the bear among others. Plus the ever popular carols around the tree, from the Ashbourne Singers.

Our raffle tickets are still available for sale from the Main Reception at St Oswald’s Hospital or will be available to buy during the coffee morning. We have some amazing hampers and other prizes on offer – certainly worth a £1 per ticket! The winning tickets will be drawn towards the end of the morning.

Would you like to win this beautiful Christmas hamper?
Tickets are now on sale in the main reception of St Oswald’s Hospital – £1 per ticket/£5 per book.
As well as our luxury M&S hamper worth over £100, we have a £75 gift voucher for Red Square Photography, a £50 cash prize and a seasonal Fruit and Veg hamper, plus many more quality prizes to be won.
The winning tickets will be drawn at the Careline Christmas Coffee Morning on Friday 4th December from 10-12.30pm in the foyer of the hospital. All proceeds in aid of Careline.
Many thanks to Red Square Photography, The Ashbourne Nail Bar, Optimum and George Peach Butchers for their support.


Fundraising is an important part of the work that we do at Careline because although we are lucky to receive some funding, this can never be guaranteed. This year we are extremely fortunate to have the continued support of M&S Ashbourne, who have given us the opportunity to bag pack at least one weekend every month until April. Last year this enabled us to raise over £3000!

We are looking for more help on the following dates:
Saturday 5th December 1-3pm
Sunday 6th December 1-3pm

Saturday 19th December 1-3pm
Sunday 20th December 11-1pm or 1-3pm

We always bag pack in pairs, so you wouldn’t be on your own. Or why not bring a friend along too? Please gives us a call if you”d like to find out more on 01335 210353.

Did you know that it’s Befriending Week next week? Have you ever considered becoming a befriending volunteer?  If the answer’s “yes”, then why not pop into Ashbourne Library on Tuesday 3rd November from 10am -3pm and find out more?

Careline and Readycall are teaming up for the day and will be on hand to talk about the different types of befriending roles that we offer locally – you might be interested in having a friendly chat over the phone or you may want to help someone with their weekly shop. With just a few spare hours each month, you can make a huge difference to someone’s life – somebody who may not otherwise speak to anyone else all day or may not be able to get out of the house without help.

Becoming a Befriender is really easy but enormously rewarding!

Anne M Befriending Week 2015


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