Careline’s Christmas Coffee Morning, Friday 13th December, 10am – 12:30pm @ St Oswald’s Hospital.

Everyone is welcome. Please come along to support your local telephone befriending charity.

Luxury raffle, tombola, games, gift stall, guess the weight of the cake, tea, coffee and homemade mince pies

Also, we have the fabulous Chameleon Choir and the children from St Oswald’s Primary School singing Christmas carols

Hope to see you there!

Hannah & Carolyn


Our annual Fundraising Walk will take place at Carsington Water on Sunday 29th September, starting at the Visitor Centre Car Park at 10am (registration 9:30am). We will be walking the 8-mile loop of the reservoir – there will be a shorter walk available if you prefer. Everyone is welcome, especially our four-legged friends.

If you can’t join us, please consider sponsoring the Careline Team! It really doesn’t matter how much, as every penny counts and means a great deal.

Or why not organise your own walk/run/hike to complete either on your own or with family and friends!

If you would like to join us, please email for more information and a sponsorship form.

Donations can be made the following ways:

Cheque: payable to Careline, please send to Careline, St. Oswald’s Hospital, Clifton Road, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 1DR

Thank you so much for your support!


The lovely lady behind Truly Scrumptious held an ‘Abba Night’ in March and raised an amazing £787 for Careline!!

We would like to say a huge thank you for choosing Careline as one of your two chosen charities. It means so much to us and will help us continue to call those who are lonely and isolated.

THANK YOU!! from Carolyn, Hannah and all at Careline

We held our Spring Coffee Morning last week and raised a wonderful £376.50. Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets and popped in for a coffee and a chat.

Many thanks to Annie Maudling from On A Wick & A Prayer for donating some amazing raffle prizes and our trustee John Leicester who donated wine and chocolates. And to our amazing volunteers who helped on the day.

Also, a big thank you to Mayor Anthony Bates and High Sheriff, Ian Morgan, who also attended to support Careline.





We will be holding our Spring Coffee Morning on Tue 30th April at St Oswald’s Hospital, Foyer from 10am-12:30pm. There will be a tombola, refreshments, stalls and a raffle!

Raffle tickets are on sale now: £1 per ticket or £5 per book. If you would like some, you can either contact us by email or call us on 01335 210353.

We hope to see you there! 🙂 x

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