You are invited!

Come along to Careline’s first new monthly Coffee & Chatter morning on Friday 9th Feb, 10am-12pm. It will be a great way for our members, volunteers and the general public to meet, drink coffee and have a good chat.

Coffee & Chatter Invite


Wishing a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of Careline’s members, volunteers and supporters!
with love
Jane, Jo and Carolyn x

Christmas Coffee Morning 2017 6

Well what a wonderful morning we had on Friday – so many visitors came to join in the fun at our Christmas Coffee Morning, in spite of the snowy weather! We’re thrilled to say that we raised a fantastic £1,400!!

Christmas Coffee Morning 2017 1 Christmas Coffee Morning 2017 4

Thank you to everyone who helped us to achieve this – to all of the hospital staff, our volunteers, members and supporters. To the Ashbourne Singers who always come along to sing, making the morning such a festive occasion; to acupressure massage therapist Jeannette Pike and to Blenheim Vets, Blooming Beau & Optimum who generously donated prizes to our Christmas Draw. We simply couldn’t have done this without you xx

Christmas Coffee Morning 2017 2


Careline’s popular Christmas Coffee Morning is FREE to attend & takes place on Friday 8th December from 10–12.30pm in the foyer of St Oswald’s Hospital, Clifton Rd, Ashbourne DE6 1DR.


Always a fun festive morning you’ll have the opportunity to do some Christmas shopping from our stalls selling handmade jewellery, Christmas cards, handicrafts and delicious cakes and preserves. You can also Name the Bear or Guess the Weight of the Cake! We have a fantastic raffle again this year with a first prize of a luxury hamper full of festive goodies worth over £100, plus many more super prizes. Tickets cost £1 each and will be available that morning, or can be purchased in advance from the main reception in St Oswald’s Hospital or the Careline office. The winning tickets will be drawn during the coffee morning.


Come along and enjoy a warm drink and a mince pie whilst the Ashbourne Singers entertain you with carols around the tree – this is a free event, to which everyone is welcome. You’re guaranteed to feel the Christmas spirit, whilst raising some vital funds for your local telephone befriending charity, which offers a free service to support people in and around Ashbourne and Uttoxeter. Our calls are available every day of the year, including Christmas Day. For more information please call the Careline Team on 01335 210353.


Tickets are now on sale at St Oswald’s Hospital Reception or the Careline Office for our 20th Anniversary Christmas Draw.

Hamper 2017 careline raffle poster
We have some really fantastic prizes up for grabs this year, including this luxury M&S Christmas hamper worth £100, which is full of delicious food, wine and festive treats. Feel free to collect some tickets to sell to friends and family and help us to make this our best raffle yet!
Did you know that we will be making calls over Christmas to those who might otherwise not see or hear from anyone else?
The prize draw will take place at our Christmas Coffee Morning from
10am -12.30pm on Fri 8th December, in St Oswald’s Hospital Foyer. All welcome.

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