We’re so sorry for any inconvenience but the difficult decision has been made to postpone this concert due to a major heating fault in St Oswald’s Church, which unfortunately cannot be fixed until next month. The Daleian Singers are planning to reschedule in spring 2020 and we will confirm this new date as soon as we can. In the interim, refunds will be available from where tickets were purchased.
Wednesday was a special one for Careline, as we invited all of our members and volunteers to catch up over afternoon tea. It’s something that we are only able to do every two years, but is a popular occasion because it gives everyone an opportunity to meet those they chat to over the phone; new friendships are made and old friendships become stronger. It was a sunny, happy afternoon and one that we will remember.
A big thank you to Yeldersley Hall for hosting us in such a stunning location, to Hatters for the delicious afternoon tea and to our talented musicians for the background music. But the biggest thank you of all goes to our volunteers who worked so hard all afternoon to make sure that everyone had everything that they needed – we couldn’t have done it without them!
This autumn we’re bringing back our popular fundraising sponsored walk, which will be taking place at Carsington Water on 28th September. Starting at Millfields Car Park (£3 for up to 2 hours/£5 for the day) at 10am , we’ll be heading around the reservoir, with an opportunity to have a well-earned break at the Visitor’s Centre on the way. The length of the walk is 8 miles, although a slightly shorter version is also available. Everyone is welcome to join in, especially 4 legged supporters! In fact the more people the merrier, with every penny raised helping to keep our telephone befriending service running. Or you can sponsor the Careline Team and we’ll do the walk for you!
Please sponsor us now or come along & join us! See attached Sponsorship Form 2019 or call Jo on 01335 210353/e-mail jo@carelinecalling.org.uk for more information.
How to find Carsington Water:
Careline has held a 100 Club since 2014, which has raised well over £6,000 for the charity. Everyone who wishes to take part pays £24 for the year ( cash, cheque or standing order) and is allocated an individual number which is entered into a prize draw at Christmas and again in the spring of 2020. Eight cash prizes are awarded at each draw, ranging from £10 to £100.
If you would like more information or to take part call Jo on 01335 210353 or e-mail jo@carelinecalling.org.uk Entry for this year’s 100 Club closes on 28th September 2019.
Sadly due to a major heating fault in St Oswald’s Church, the difficult decision has been made to postpone this concert until spring 2020. Refunds will be available from where tickets were originally purchased & we hope to publish a rescheduled date soon. Apologies for any inconvenience.