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Our members tell us every day just how vital our calls are to them. Please help us raise much needed funds to keep our service running.


“When it gets to a certain time in the afternoon you look forward to hearing the phone ring. It’s so good to know that you are going to have a chat with someone. It cheers you up.” – Careline Member

Careline provides a free telephone befriending service to those living in the Derbyshire Dales and East Staffordshire, and 2017 marks our 20th year. We support members of the local community from all walks of life who suffer from loneliness and isolation and who feel disconnected from society for many different reasons and who may not get to speak to anyone for days at a time.


“Your calls give me confidence. Thank you with all my heart.” – Careline Member

Our calls offer friendship 365 days a year and support over 100 people. Since our Lottery funding ended in late 2015, we have had to fight hard to keep our service up and running. Without the donations from generous people like you, we simply won’t be able to operate. This would be heart breaking given the demand for our calls has never been higher.

Our members tell us every day just how vital our calls are to them – please help us keep to Careline going by donating as much as you can – click the link below to donate. Thank you.

Crownfunding Page

“Thank you for calling. It gets so lonely on your own.” – Careline Member


Careline is seeking a Chair of Trustees (voluntary position) to lead the organisation and Management Committee to enable the charity to fulfill its purpose, in line with its constitution. Careline offers a free telephone befriending service to older and vulnerable people living in the Derbyshire Dales and East Staffordshire.

Overall purpose of the role:

  • Lead the committee and the organisation to enable it to fulfill its purpose
  • Ensure effective relationships between the Management Committee, staff, volunteers and external stakeholders
  • Act as a spokesperson and figurehead as appropriate


  • Plan and prepare the committee meetings and the AGM with others as appropriate
  • Chair committee meetings ensuring: A balance is struck between time-keeping and space for discussions; Business is dealt with and
  • decisions made; Decisions, actions and deliberations are adequately minuted; The implementation of decisions is clearly assigned and monitored
  • Ensure adequate support and supervision arrangements are made for the Careline Manager and any other staff/volunteers directly managed or reporting to the committee


  • A willingness and ability to lead the organisation
  • Possesses tact, diplomacy and powers of persuasion
  • Possesses relevant knowledge
  • Has the relevant skills to run a meeting well
  • Availability for most Management Committee meetings (every 6 weeks)


  • Previous experience of chairing a charity or as a trustee
  • Knowledge and experience of current best practice relevant to voluntary and community organisations


Careline is seeking a Treasurer (voluntary position) to oversee the financial affairs of the registered charity, which offers a free telephone befriending service to older and vulnerable people living in the Derbyshire Dales and East Staffordshire.

Overall purpose of the role:

Oversee the financial affairs of the organisation, ensuring they are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practices. Advise on the financial situation of the organisation.


Work with Careline’s Manager to ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures and controls are in place,in regards to:

  • Expenses payments and purchasing limits, petty cash receipts/float, travel expenses logs, any other as required
  • Reconcile accounts on a bi-monthly basis and check balances
  • Produce regular financial reports (quarterly) for Careline Management Committee meetings
  • Prepare reports for audits and ad hoc summaries for grant applications reporting and the Charities Commission
  • Ensure that spending against grants and other funds received for specific purposes are appropriately monitored
  • Take a lead on interpreting financial data and make the steering committee/the general meeting aware of outstanding obligations, financial discrepancies or risks
  • Work with the Management Committee to improve financial processes and ensure the charity has robust and effective financial controls in place


  • Knowledge and experience of current financial practice relevant to voluntary and community organisations
  • Excellent numerical skills and feeling comfortable to interpret and explain data
  • Accuracy and attention to detail
  • IT skills (Careline currently uses Quickbooks
  • Availability for most Management Committee meetings (every 6 weeks)


  • An Accountancy qualification, or similar
  • Previous experience as a Treasurer

For more information about Careline please visit our website.

For an informal discussion about either of these roles, please contact Marianne Jacques, Chair of Trustees, on 01335 210353


Do you have two hours of free time each month? Would you like to join our friendly team of Careline volunteers to help make someone’s day brighter?

The majority of befriending calls are made from our office in St Oswalds Hospital, Ashbourne, although some volunteers make calls from their own homes. So if you are less mobile but feel that you would like to become a volunteer please do get in touch.

Individual training will be provided and you will receive on-going support from Jane, the Careline Manager or Jo and Carolyn, Careline’s Befriending Coordinators. We also have a regular Newsletter that keeps everyone up-to-date and volunteers have the opportunity to get together at a variety of social, fundraising and training events throughout the year.

Our volunteers tell us that they find being part of Careline extremely rewarding and really enjoy the calls that they make to our members.

If you would like to volunteer, then please contact us either by email or phone: 01335 210353.

We look forward to hearing from you!

alison antiques on the street  sam antiques on the street

We had such fun at the ‘Antiques on the Street’ event and Artisan Market in Ashbourne on Sunday 10th September, where we held our first ever street collection.  Thank you to all of those who volunteered, or donated or who just came to chat to us about Careline – we really appreciate your support in helping us to raise £134!

Charles Hanson with Carolyn and Jo

BBC Auctioneer Charles Hanson with Careline staff Carolyn & Jo

This Sunday, in celebration of the return of Antiques in the Street with popular local Auctioneer and BBC favourite Charles Hanson, Careline will be holding it’s first ever street collection!

This year’s event is centred around one of Ashbournes’ last remaining Malt Houses and there will be stalls set up along a closed off Church Street, from 10am – 4pm, selling antiques in the open air.

Antiques in the Street will also be running alongside a heritage open day, where the Malt House will be opening its doors for guided tours, as well as the new Artisan Market which will be set up on the Market Place.

We’re still hoping to find some more helpers for the day, so if you have an hour to spare please send us a message. Or if you’re planning on visiting the event, just come & say “hello” – our volunteers will be at both ends of Church Street and at locations throughout the town.

We’re really looking forward to what promises to be a super day!

Careline Calling is one of Dale Diva’s chosen charities this year and are very kindly doing a concert for Careline on 7th October at Empire Club, Ashbourne. Please contact Careline by email: or telephone: 01335 210353 for tickets. Price: £7.50. See you there!!

Dale Diva



Many congratulations to QEGS pupil Samuel Bradley who was presented with an Award for Service to the Community at a school ceremony last week, in recognition of his support for Careline. Sam has been helping to raise awareness and fundraise for the charity for the last 4 years. It’s really lovely to see younger members of our community wanting to help to make other people’s quality of life better – well done and thank you Sam!


We’re absolutely thrilled to have been chosen as  Ashbourne Sainsbury’s Local Charity of the Year 2017/18 – this means a great deal to us! Thank you so much to the staff for nominating us and to everyone who voted for us. We were one of three great local charities in the running, so we’re extremely lucky to have been chosen. We’re really looking forward to working with Sainsbury’s over the next year.




Last week we held a very special event – our 20th Anniversary Strawberry Tea Party! This was an opportunity for over 100 of our volunteers, members and supporters to meet up over afternoon tea, fizz and of course a slice of birthday cake! Everyone agreed what a lovely celebration it was – so thank you to those who helped to make the day such a success, especially our hard working volunteers and trustees.


blowing out the candles cheers! jane & berkeley